Sunday, May 13, 2007


A friend stopped by unannounced to-day, a great deal of blood spilling from his abdomen. He's a fine fellow and I would have liked to offer him a towel to stop the flow, but I had just done the laundry and I really can't stand to do it more than once a week. Besides, the towels were a wedding gift from my aunt.

The funeral will be Friday for my friend. Lord knows I'll miss his jibes.


dumbbell said...
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Vicky said...

Its a bugger when that happens isn't it? and I can never remember if it is hot water or cold to get fresh blood out. I used to know but I have forgotten. I think it is something to do with having, what is it called, oh yes, 'polite golf clap' which is not half as bad as having the full on variety but still worrying enough for a Friday. XVX

dumbbell said...
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christina said...

fyi... i love your posts.

i think they're brilliant.

Bunny said...

Been there.